Filing drawer does not show the updated client


We've now resolved this issue. Thanks for your patience.

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Our engineers are currently performing tests on a hotfix for this issue.

We will provide further updates as soon as possible.

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We are aware of an issue where the filing drawer does not show the updated client after it has been selected.

This can be seen within the FYI add-in and the browser when making changes to the Client field.

Our engineering team is urgently working on a fix for this issue.

As a workaround, users are advised to perform the following in order to show the updated filing details:

  • Update the Client field in the filing drawer

  • Select a different document or close the filing drawer

  • Click on the updated document or reopen the drawer which will force it to refresh

We will provide an update as soon as possible.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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